Don't Lose, Heart Hoodie Black

The “Don’t Lose, Heart” Hoodie
This piece is rooted in the small stuff, the “death by a thousand cuts”, the rock in your shoe keeping you from your life’s summit.
It’s a fan club jersey for that beating heart in your chest. It beats for a reason and it’s not just to eat, sleep, pay bills and die.
Negative self talk, talking down instead of toasting your accomplishments, “I’m not good enough”, “maybe another day”, “I’m not ______ enough.” These are the enemies of your hearts desire for your life - destroy them.
Don’t Lose, Heart Tee - Destroy what Destroys You Collection 22/23
We don’t care what you wear, we just care that you wear what you care about.
"To grow, therefore, is to…find a message hidden in sight on a garment. An epistle of purpose to find threat and disarm it. The roadblocks on the path are the path just the same. Fear of destruction is the stone in the way. To put death to the stopping is to stop death in small doses, to kill our life’s weeds gives life to its roses. Name the parts that prevent the best story of you — it’s not the mountain that kills you, it’s the rock in your shoe…destroy what destroys you."